Contribua: Questionário para Jovens Farmacologistas da IUPHAR sobre a COVID-19
A International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology (IUPHAR) lançou recentemente uma pesquisa global visando identificar os principais obstáculos, mudanças e situações durante a pandemia COVID-19 enfrentada por farmacologistas em começo de carreira. O projeto é uma iniciativa do IUPHAR Early Career Researcher (ECR) Committee, que conta com a participação do Dr. Sanseray da Silveira Cruz-Machado como representante da SBFTE.
A pesquisa é voltada para alunos de pós-graduação, pós-doutorandos, pesquisadores em início de carreira, além de jovens pesquisadores e professores.
O preenchimento do formulário tem duração em média de 10 minutos e com os resultados, a IUPHAR pretende prospectar a discussão de políticas que possam ajudar no impacto da COVID-19 sobre a progressão de carreiras dos ECRs.
Para contribuir com a pesquisa, clique aqui.
Leia abaixo a carta oficial convocando associados a participar:
Dear Colleagues & Postgraduate Students,
The ‘Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic for advancing pharmacological research for Early Career Researchers’ Survey launched today. This survey has been organized by the IUPHAR Early Career Researcher (ECR) Committee to identify issues facing ECRs with an interest in Pharmacology worldwide during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
This single survey is intended for ECRs including postgraduate students (Masters, PhD students both non-clinical & clinical), Research Staffs (Research assistants, technicians, postdocs, research fellows, early career researchers) and New Starting Investigators & Lecturers (Academic and Non-Academic staff).
Please fill in this form to help us collect information about the ECR research community, inform us about areas where you feel well recognized and supported, and helping us identifying areas where more support is needed during the Covid-19 pandemic. It should only take about 10 minutes to complete.
All data will be handled confidentially, with each individual unidentified. Data will be analyzed by the IUPHAR ECR Committee. Results from the survey will be reported & discussed with the IUPHAR Executive Committee and further published online. Thank you very much for your time.
Survey Link:
If you have any questions or want to get in touch with the IUPHAR ECR Committee, please email us at